

* Divides your information into subject-based tables to reduce redundant data.
* Provides the database management system (e.g. ACCESS) with the information it requires to join the information in the tables together as needed.
* Helps support and ensure the accuracy and integrity of your information.
* Accommodates your data processing and reporting needs."

Think of the small database we used in our lab exercise - Products and Suppliers. Briefly describe how this database observes any two of the four design principles outlined above.

I think the lab exercise, have including 1) * Divides your information into subject-based tables to reduce redundant data. Enitity is a supplier name, product name, QTY, or event on which information can be obtained.The Form used for data input & display.

2)* Provides the database management system (e.g. ACCESS) with the information it requires to join the information in the tables together as needed.
What u type will show to everyone.
It's easy for us to input & chech the details what we are typing in.
The table : used for data storage. (Like: company name, product name, QTY ......) It can show the details clearly.

1 則留言:

  1. I've noted your answer - "Enitity is a supplier name, product name, QTY, or event on which information can be obtained." for point # 1.

    However, the entities or subjects in our database are Product and Supplier.

    The items you mentioned - supplier name, product name, QTY - are fields in the subject tables rather than entities or subjects themselves. Think of a subject as a type of object, and the fields are information about each object.

    For Point No. 2, we used the Report Wizard to retrieve and combine data from these two subject tables in a more meaningful way (e.g. selecting only certain fields and records, sorting/grouping these records, designing the layout, adding totals, etc.). The related records were combined through a common field that links them together (the Supplier No.)

    Hope this helps !
